Friday, September 30, 2011

Just some stuff...

I like to eat. Sometimes I'll just stand in my pantry and stuff chips or crackers or whatever in my face. I'm not an over-eater. I don't do it in secret. i dont really care if anyone sees me. And its not some panicky stuffing food in my face so fast I can barely breathe kinda deal. I'm mostly just too lazy to get a bowl and move somewhere else. I'm not trying to fill any void or hole in my heart. My parents LOVE me. So do my other family memebrs and plenty of friends. I just like to eat. And yeah, I'm kinda lazy.

I am ADDICTED to playing Smurf's Village on my iPhone. I still don't really LIKE my phone and I can't really operate it at a properly functioning capacity but at least I have my Smurfs. The first thing I do in the morining is check on the lil blue critters. The last thing I do at night is make sure every lil Smurf is perfectly smurfy, that everyone is busy and happy. Especially Papa. Because woe to me if Papa Smurf is NOT happy. Gillian statred it.

I still have NO IDEA what I wanna be when I grow up, whatever "growing up" is. Ya know, bc the whole movie star thing didn't work out. Bummer.

Crafting is a new found passion of mine. Buuuut, I am way better at crafty stuff in my head than I actually am.  I have loads and loads of ideas, but after a few attempts I realize how terribly, terribly BAD I am at something. So I cant even bring myself to finish it. I have tonsa storage bins that house the crafting projects I never finished.

Name a rather obscure-yet-mostly-current celeb and with no (or very little) cheating I will tell you AT LEAST three projects they were involved in on some level. Just the other morning a friend asked me who Amy Smart was (she and Carter Oosterhouse were on the cover of some mag for their wedding!). Absentmidedly I rattled off  3 of her most well-known movies. The half-asleep patron in line behind me snapped to attention and said I could win big on a game show with my quick thinking. Ahhh if only there were a "Who is this celebrity, who is she/ he dating/ did they date/ marry and can you name three movies or television shows they were in." Bonus points would be awarded for knowing what product they sposored or if you knew what commercial the star was in before he / she was famous. Now THAT game, I could win!!

Thing I have failed at:
A "real" marriage
Having a "normal" child
A few business ventures
Again with the movie star thing
Any sort of career
Not that failing any of these things was BAD.I wouldnt change my Gilly Beans for the world. I wouldnt be me if I HAD succeeded at those things. Or any...thing.. really...

I have very very vivid dreams. Always have. And I recall them with shocking clarity almost always.  The subjects of my dreams are recurring. Quite often exboyfriends (2 to be specific, yet rarely my exhubs) and celebrities. Always the same celebs too. Nathan Fillion. Michael. Chrisiatn Bale. Not that anything EXCITING ever happens. With the exes or the celebs. Usually we are just hanging out. Although sometimes Christian (NOT Batman, CHRISTIAN!) swoops in and rescues me from something treacherous.  Which is odd bc I think he is scary, I think he could hurt me and I am pretty sure I would LOVE it if it he DID hurt me! :) Because Christian would be really, really goooood at inflicting JUSSST the right KIND of hurt....what was I talkin about again...?

OH and speakin of,  I am asked  ALL the TIME if Brian gets jealous or if he is bothered by my celeb crushes-kinky or otherwise. That is a RESOUNDING NO!!!  He knows that I am ALLLLL for him. Brian knows that my crushes are ONLY limited to the Realm of Entertainment. He also knows that I am a COMPELTE chicken and even if I HAD The Chance with ANYone on MY LIST, I'd TOTALLY WUSS OUT!!!!  :) So again, I would be all his and he has NOTHING to worry about. But yes,I do reain in my squeals and squees when Brian is around. Unless of course, MJF is on. Then forget it. True love CANNOT be contained. I am a crazy-smiling, drooling squealy FOOL for my beloved MJF. And EVERYONE knows that.

Just a few thoughts to leave you with this evening! I encourage you ALL to post a few rambling thoughts! 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Date Night!

Last night was the first date night since WINTERtime for Brian and me. In the long,  long ago before times (sayyy my 20's ?! Where DID those go, anyway??) DAYS would have been spent agonizing over my ensemble for the evening. Those pants with that shirt?  Those shoes and THAT bag?!  Sexy red bra and panties or cute and sweet  turqoiuse numbers with the lil pink heart accents? I would have toyed with my hair and had dress rehearsals with full make up.  HOURS wasted while primping, preening and grooming (shaving legs, conditioning hair, lotsa various products applied here and there&...every..where....), even avoiding certain foods during the day so as not to have yucky, non-kiss-worthy breath. A plan for what I was going to order at dinner would have been in place and memorized (the LEAST expensive entree on the menu -so as not to seem greedy, of course, and absolutely NO fish, onions, or ranch-like salad dressings of any kind. Again with the kissableness). ONE glass of wine, MAAAYbe. Then there'd be that whole, "Wanna come in for a drink?" thing after whatever cool event we attended post-dinner. AND THEN there was the pressure to put out. EEvvveeenn juuussst a litttttle ;)

 Fast forward 10 (or so!) years. There was zero forethought regarding my daytime food intake. I took NO extra special care to make myself super-hygenic. I DID take a shower, but I needed one anyway from cleaning house all day. I don't think I even checked my pits.  15 minutes before 'showtime' I threw on a nice-yet-random shirt, jeans and comfy shoes. Also, comfy undies. I heaved my giant Mom Purse onto my shoulder, scooped up the kid and dropped her off@ Mammy and Papaw's.  At dinner, Brian and I totally piggged out. We ordered multiple drinks, appetizers, salads, 2 full meals, dessert AND we used a coupon. Instead of going to a movie/show/ some kinda hip musical event afterward, we drove to the mall and picked up Gilly's halloween costume. After that whirlwind event we decided to come home and crash. Me in my in pajamas, he in unbelted and unzipped pants, to watch the tv premieres we caught on our DVR this week. Got the phone call at 930 that Gilly wanted to come home instead of staying overnight. By 1030 we were alll in bed, snuggly and sleepy and happy.

I must admit that I quite like "married" dating rather than the single version. I may not be greeted with a handful of flowers (like that ever happened anyway!) but this is waaayyy more relaxed and Brian and I can just be ourselves and enjoy each other's company. But the best part of date night these days? There is NOOOOO pressure to put out.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I did it! I created my own blog and it didn't take me 47 days, drive me to (any higher level of) alcoholism or anything! I didn't pull my hair out or scream one time! Yay me!
So, since I stayed home today and did NOTHING at all (I blame the rain), nothing interesting happened. So enjoy the archived posts from another now-defunct blog of mine until I write something witty, clever and awesome. I am sure something exciting/embarrassing will happen to me soon enough. It always does. And I will be sure to write about it!!