Last night was the first date night since WINTERtime for Brian and me. In the long, long ago before times (sayyy my 20's ?! Where DID those go, anyway??) DAYS would have been spent agonizing over my ensemble for the evening. Those pants with that shirt? Those shoes and THAT bag?! Sexy red bra and panties or cute and sweet turqoiuse numbers with the lil pink heart accents? I would have toyed with my hair and had dress rehearsals with full make up. HOURS wasted while primping, preening and grooming (shaving legs, conditioning hair, lotsa various products applied here and there&...every..where....), even avoiding certain foods during the day so as not to have yucky, non-kiss-worthy breath. A plan for what I was going to order at dinner would have been in place and memorized (the LEAST expensive entree on the menu -so as not to seem greedy, of course, and absolutely NO fish, onions, or ranch-like salad dressings of any kind. Again with the kissableness). ONE glass of wine, MAAAYbe. Then there'd be that whole, "Wanna come in for a drink?" thing after whatever cool event we attended post-dinner. AND THEN there was the pressure to put out. EEvvveeenn juuussst a litttttle ;)
Fast forward 10 (or so!) years. There was zero forethought regarding my daytime food intake. I took NO extra special care to make myself super-hygenic. I DID take a shower, but I needed one anyway from cleaning house all day. I don't think I even checked my pits. 15 minutes before 'showtime' I threw on a nice-yet-random shirt, jeans and comfy shoes. Also, comfy undies. I heaved my giant Mom Purse onto my shoulder, scooped up the kid and dropped her off@ Mammy and Papaw's. At dinner, Brian and I totally piggged out. We ordered multiple drinks, appetizers, salads, 2 full meals, dessert AND we used a coupon. Instead of going to a movie/show/ some kinda hip musical event afterward, we drove to the mall and picked up Gilly's halloween costume. After that whirlwind event we decided to come home and crash. Me in my in pajamas, he in unbelted and unzipped pants, to watch the tv premieres we caught on our DVR this week. Got the phone call at 930 that Gilly wanted to come home instead of staying overnight. By 1030 we were alll in bed, snuggly and sleepy and happy.
I must admit that I quite like "married" dating rather than the single version. I may not be greeted with a handful of flowers (like that ever happened anyway!) but this is waaayyy more relaxed and Brian and I can just be ourselves and enjoy each other's company. But the best part of date night these days? There is NOOOOO pressure to put out.
I love married dating too, soooo much better than single dating in my book. Even if it does only happen once or twice a year now.