Monday, December 12, 2011

A Stranger in a Strange Land

I was an alien in a foreign place. Stranded.  Alone. My own world had forgotten me. This place was oddly familiar yet distantly so. The language seemed to be close to my own native tongue so I attempted to engage one of the locals, to figure out where I was and how to get home. Surprisingly, I understood her directions, or so I thought.
 I ended up lost in the woods. Surely, this must be where they send sacrificial offerings to their undoubtedly terrifying god-deities. Or maybe they eat my kind and I was sent to the slaughtering fields for harvesting and such. I eventually found my out, only to be standing in the EXACT SAME SPOT I had started in. Oh heavens.
Flummoxed and seeking accurate directions home, I decided to dash into what resembled a general store. The cashier-type-entity accepted the currency of my world, no questions asked. A refreshing swig of carbonated beverage (you know what they say: don’t drink the water!)  helped me to contemplate my current predicament with clearer senses. I couldn’t understand it. I wasn’t that far away from home. In fact, the twinkling lights of my world’s cityscape were sparkling and dancing in the distance, calling to me like a beacon. My body felt the siren call of home. Every fiber of my being wanted to be there.
 I tossed my beverage into a waste receptacle and plopped back into my small, sleek silver transporation device. There had to be a way back home. Well, that is, another way, as the portal by which I had originally travelled was no longer an option. So I summoned an Elder who was familiar with this land, one who wouldn’t scold me too much for being so far off mission. My dear friend chuckled at me and gave me the accurate directions I so desperately needed. As it turned out there was a very simple trick to getting myself back to where I came from, one that I had known all along but had forgotten in my panic.
As I headed down the pathway to my homeland, I glanced up at the portal from where I emerged into this land shook my head at the sign that posted at its now-defunct entrance,
 I snaked and swooped and looped my way along the alternate route I had been given and once I found my way back into this Town of Hunting I breathed a sigh of relief and comfort. And prolly more than a lil coal dust.
Ahhhhh, home sweet home!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Just askin'...

Have you ever been so crazy frustrated busy that you don't even have a chance to take a shower? Even though you really need one? You are so insanely over scheduled that you can't even take the time for a quick "sink bath,"? And the only option is to just change your undies and hope for the best? And then all day long you try not to do too much so as not to work up a ...lather?
That's never happened to you?
 Yeah, no, me neither. I was just asking. Ya know, for a ...friend.

Friday, November 25, 2011

By Gillian

Y'all think I'm good, get a load of these tales penned by my 8 year old daughter Gillian Rose!
Lego Harry Potter: Snape's Revenge

Chapter 1: The Big Lab

"Watch TV Time!" said Snape. They all watched A Bug's Life. "Flik, after much deliveration-- Whoa!" said Princess Atta. All of the students laughed and laughed. Even the teachers! "And by that, Hermione," said Harry. "I mean 'LOL'." "But wait," said Ron. "Snape, we're suposed to watch TV AFTER School." "I don't care!" said Snape. "I do what ever I want today, Weasley." "Whell!" said Hermione. Then Snape chose the other outtakes. "Eh--" said Dot. "What's my line again?" Everyone laughed harder and harder. More harder then "Lol". But usally, EVERYONE came. Even Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, and Voldemort. After school, Snape was going to a secret lare. Harry, Ron and Hermione followed him.Snape laughed evily.Harry, Hermione and Ron followed him. Snape saw them. He ran faster and faster. So did the gang! They found Snape's lab. "Whoa, this place is huge!" said Hermione."You're tellin' me." said Ron. Suddenley, Snape saw them. They fought for about two hours. Harry was tired. "I'm thursty," said Harry. "Snape, do you have any water?" "Yes. Here you go, Mr. Potter." said Snape.

And Another by Gillian:

Dear Lightning, Hope, & Fang
My name is Jillian. I start with a G. My new dad, Brian Rublee has your game! He says you're stuck in Ill'C. I've sent SO many letters to Vanille, but in pencil. I just WISH I  could be with you guys. I'll soon get an electric sword. It's a sword where the pointy edge is off, and it zaps electric zaps and kills SO many bad things and animals. When you, and Vanille see how brave I am, you would soon be happy, Lightning. In pencil I used to write sloppy and not beutiful. But NOW it's SO pretty. But when you guys are UNstuck, you could come to my house!


P.S. My address is: Huntington, West Virginia, (street address deleted by Summer) and my planet is Earth.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Batter Splatter

“And the next time you leave me with no gas and no money when I have to drive for miles on end hurtling thru the night, blindly, BARELY on a wing and a prayer, with only corn fields and river banks on either side, both of which could easily harbor murderers, rapists and other various escaped convicts along with boogeyman, scary monsters and probe-loving aliens, who could rape and pillage me to death when I run outta gas on this desolate road, I will DEFINITELY haunt you!”
After receiving THAT text from me Brian apologized for not putting gas in the car and I grudgingly accepted. I did not, however, forgive him and I went to sleep angry. I usually do in cases like this. What’s the point? Brian won’t argue with me. Needless to say, my dreams were vivid, active and scary (except for the brief one where I received a grin and a wink along with a piping hot, comforting Caramel Macchiato from a Starbucks Barista who was a dead ringer for Nathan Fillion -that was a good one!) and I woke up untested, weary and tense.

All day long I was frazzled and stressed. I KNEW I had to make cupcakes for work and for an order. Once home and I began assembling my ingredients, I realized that I had NO powdered sugar for the frosting. I steadied myself, taking a DEEEP breath. Then I poured some wine into a Mason jar and after a few long, throat-and-esophagus-burning glugs I felt a bit better.

I returned to my mixing bowl, deciding to focus just on the batter for now. To my horror, the bowl began floating. Off the counter, straight up in the air it went just before taking a terrifying tip and then it fell smack on the floor. I swear that is how it happened. It could just be a coping mechanism, my imagining things in order to assign blame elsewhere, deflecting it from myself. Could also be the ½ glass of Mason jar wine I swigged? Who knows? The thick cherry flavored cake batter splattered everything on its slo-mo downward arc. The counter, the dishwasher, the fridge, cabinets and me.

Right then Brian came home. What a sight he beheld. In the middle of the kitchen, Brian faced a wild-eyed maniac with shiny red goo glopping and streaking her hair, face, clothes and hands. It was a very “Law and Order” opening scene kinda gruesome-looking moment. “I have no powdered sugar.” was the odd phrase I decided to greet him with. He oh so grudgingly agreed to make a Kroger run for me.

At the door, Brian turned to me and said, “You’re minus one Slurpee now.” (I’ll explain that another day.)

“Oh no! NO SIR! I am minus NOTHING!! This is a gimme!”

“What?! Why is it ‘a gimme?”

“Because I am still pissed at you for last night! No GAS in the car?! REMEMMMMBER?! ” To which Brian responded that he was pissed at me and then I told him that was reaaal mature, “You can’t be mad at me just because I am mad at you!” I squalled.

“Who doesn’t check the gas gage?!”

“WHA!? It wouldn’t have mattered if I had checked the friggin GAS GAGE! I!! HAVE!! NO!! MONNNEEEYYYY!! How was I supposed to get gas?! WITH MY MAGICAL POWERS?!? JUST go and get my *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep” POWDERED SUGAR, you*bleep*hole!!”

He SLAMMED the door and was off.

I cleaned up my mess then started the cherry cakes allll over again. To my dismay, the second batch of cupcakes did not turn out either. I was beginning to think my cakes were cursed. By 1am I was pulling out the THRID and mildly successful (they baked up weird but they BAKED UP so …yay.) and final batch. Whipping up the frosting was uneventful thank goodness. After a shower, I crawled into bed not at all sleepy OR relaxed. Brian noted that I was sighing a lot (I do that when I’m stressed, angry or nervous) and asked if I was still tense. Well, I was also still upset with him for being all argumentative when I sooo did not need home to be so I just bit my tongue and nodded. I was resigned to the fact that I would be going to bed angry again.

Suddenly, the lights snapped off. “Hey! What are you“my book was pulled gently from y hands and I was being guided into a sitting position. I huffed and heaved a GIANT sigh. Did the guy have a death wish? CLEAAARRLY I was NOT. IN. THE. MOTHER. FUDGING. MOOOOD-uh!! To my surprise and to Brian’s credit, I was getting a back, shoulder and neck rub! YAY! And he wanted, or asked for anyway, NOTHING in return.

So off to a happily sleep I drifted, dreaming only of meadows and, ok more Nathan Fillion.

After only 3.5 hours of sleep, I am loop, silly and gigglier than EVER today and I am warning everyone who eats the cupcakes that I hauled into the office this a.m. that they were NOT made with love and care. Oh no. These cakes are full of hatred, spite and cuss words.

I only hope they don’t taste bitter.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Brian and I went on an adventure of epic proportions this morning. If we had only known what the day would bring, we certainly would have been more prepared. As with any run-of-the-mill grand adventure (confession: we ran lotsa errands in a short time span and had fun together all morning!),  the ultimate goal was to return home, safe and sound. Well! Imagine OUR surprise when we tried to pull onto our street and Gandelf the Neon Yellow was standing at our intersection.  Department Of Highways-issued vest billowing in the breeze, Staff of Stop/Slow in hand, waving us away.  Silently informing us that, indeed,  we could " not pass.'"

"But we LIVE there!" we protested.

Gandelf shrugged and waved us on by. The gruff old fellow then gazed off into the sky, a distant and sad look on his weathered  face. I'm guessing he was contemplating how to defeat the Orcs in the upcoming apocalyptic battle. That, or he was really hungry and daydreaming about his lunch.

Luckily,  there is another way onto our street, so we made the harrowing loop thru a neighborhood of tightly knit houses and giant SUVs, Middle Appalachia's version of The Misty Mountains.  Suddenly, a man appeared. A short, round man with a beard and flattened nose. OH MY LORD OF THE RINGS, IT WAS REDNECK GIMLI!! He was, of course wearing camo and instead of a battle axe, he was wielding a...chicken wing?!

"Hey" said Gimli, like he and Brian and I hang out every day.

"Hey." I said from the passenger seat of our car."Uh, yeah. we need to get to our house. Up there."

"Where is it?" Gimli asked, gnawing on that chicken wing like it was lembas bread.

"Uhhhh on ROSALIND?" Brian was a little taken aback, I believe. Poor thing. City Boy is still  kinda new to the ways of  Middle Appalachia.  When we're hungry, we eat.  Job duties or customer service be damned. Kinda like Hobbits!

Smacking his bulbous lips and lickin off some undoubtedly yummy chicken fat with a giant, floppy tongue, Gimli said, "Kay." The Dwarves of Middle Appalachia are a simple people. Not much for words and fancy talkin. He turned his back to us for a second or two and spoke into a walkie-talkie completely ensconced in duct tape. Then, tossing the cleanly picked chicken wing over his shoulder and into the roadside brushn the aimiable Dwarf granted us access to the previously forbidden destination of home. "Y'all g'won 'N" Redneck Gimli said in the native tongue of his region. Translation: either, "You all go on in."  or, alternatively, "You all go on then." Either is acceptable.

Cautiously, Brian and I found our way home, fighting off bits of foul-smelling hot tar, lava and dangerously sharp rocks and steep drop offs, not unlike Frodo and Sam's quest to return The Ring to Mordor.

I was able to make it back OUT to the office party but upon coming back Rosalind was COMPLETELY blocked by heaving giant beasts spewing bile and noxious gasses. Once again, Gandelf the Neon Yellow waved his Staff of Stop/Slow and  entrance  was denied.

I made the treacherous path thru the Misty Mountains all alone and, to my relief, Redneck Gimli was no where to be seen on the other side. Ignoring the ominous Road Closed signed I clawed and scraped and forged my way thru until I was back on Rosalind Road.

There was no magical ring for me to return. Not in this journey. Oh no,  I had something much, much more important and coveted in my hands.
I had The King's lunch of Thanksgiving Leftovers to deliver. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Random Thoughts, Exboyfriend Edition

Is that him? No way, it CAN't be. I thought he was........

Yep. It's him alright.  And my kid's going over there to talk to his kid. EEEEEEEK!

Be cool. Walk, don't run. Things... are not...pretty when I run. Or, attempt to run I should say.

Tilt head only slightly coyly and TRY to listen to him.

Can he HEAR that?! My heart is beating so fast and hard! I'll bet he can SEE it thumping thru my shirt! It's becasue I sorta ran-walked chasing after Gilly. Yep, that's it...

Oh yuck! This SHIRT!!! A ratty WORk tee?!! AND MOM KHAKIS?! Am I SERIOUSLY WEARING MOM KHAKIS?!?!? Why couldn't I at least be wearing something that shows SOME amount of decolletage?! Anything to prove I "still got it."

Wait, do I  "still got it?"

I knew I should have freshened  my make-up before leaving the house. I'm not even wearing chapstick.

Crap. I'm not even wearing chapstick. My teeth are gonna get all oddly dry because I am smiling so much. Then when I go to speak up my gummy lips are gonna get stuck to my dry teeth and he's gonna think I'm snarling at him. SSSwwweeet.

Hey, stop SMILING so much!! He's gonna think you're flirting. Which you TOTALLY ARE NOT. You have a lovely boyfriend-husband-type person with whom you are madly in love and vice versa. Ohhh, try to work that into the conversation. That's good stuff right there!

DAANNNG ITTT!!! I had hot dogs for dinner. He hugs me for the first time in over a freakin DECADE  and I smell like hot dogs. Awesome.

Oh PLEASE don't let me have hot dog buns jammed in my teeth! GROSS!!!!

And do NOT yell out "I HAD HOT DOGS FOR DINNER, DONT WORRY. ITS NOT B.O.!" Because that will not make this exchange any less awkward.

Wow. He SOUNDS exaaaaaactly the same. Weird. Ew, do I sound the same as I did back then? I had hoped my voicebox would mellow a little by now. Is my voice all high and tinny and stupid-sounding like it was then?  Ok I'll consciously lower my voice a bit.  I'm sure that will sound COMPLETELy natural and not at all creepy or disturbing.

Nope. That was creepy and disturbing. At best. Clear throat and speak normally next time. If this noise I call a voice can be classified as  "normal"

I sooooo should have stuck to that hardcore diet/work out regime I started (two years ago).

Uncross those arms. Don't wanna appear defensive. But what to do with them now? No! Stop it!Am I REALLY twirling my hair?! I'm 35! Not 16!! Wait, I think I'm still only 34...wait, HOW old is Holly now???....

Don't look at him toooo terribly long. BUT! Dont avoid his gaze, either. That will seem shifty and suspicious. Of what, I don't know....

His eyelashes are still soooo amazing. Why do boys always get those heartbreakingly long, curly  lashes?

Did he get taller?! Have I shrunk?! Nah. I used to wear heels all the time. Ugh. When did I get so OLD?! When did my ankles get so weak? Prolly when I got so fat. And old. So old.  And  fat. So  fat...

And lastly, DO NOT under ANY circumstances say to this beautiful man, this man who has somehow become somewhat iconic to the 20something silly girl you once were (and  who you sometimes feel like you still  are)  do NOT say to him "Hey, prison was good for you! You look amazing!"

Because if you do sputter something so senseless and horrific like that at him, and he comes back with the sweetest, shy chuckle and a humble "Thanks, I'm doing better," it just wont seem fair. Not fair at all.

But it will be disarming. And it will seem like old times. Only different old times than the last time you spoke. Instead of "what classes are you taking?' or "where are you living now?" It'll be filling each other in on the happenings of  parents, spouses, kids and old neighborhood friends.

Then it'll be time to go and this oh so long moment will have only actually lasted a precious, fleeting nano-second.

And that's okay too. Say goodbye and don't look back.  There was enough of that back then. Times have changed. I have changed, he has changed.  And change can be good. So very , very good. So off I skipped (and by skipped I mean WALKED, slowly and deliberately so as to avoid any extra jiggling or face-planting) , holding my big baby girl's hand, happliy humming a song.

Oh shoot, was I just humming OUR song? That cheesy  one from the 90's? Did he HEAR that....?

Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm a Good Daughter

Many of you know that my strong, beautiful and proud mother has been afflicted with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis for many years now. Well, just about a year and a half ago, she broke her leg and the healing process has been grueling and slow. But still, Drema is a fighter and she continues to work, play and boss everyone around as usual.

And if you know our family at all you know that even through tears, pain, sickness, frustration and anger we can laugh, tease and cuss each other out like it's nobody's business. So when Mom told me that she had been taken off of the RA meds because of the damage it may be starting to do to her internal organs and her vision, I suggested she drop her docs here in town and go to Cleveland clinic or Mayo clinic or SOMETHIng. When she refused I gave her what for.
"So you are just gonna sit here and WAIT for these people to figure out what is wrong with you? By the time they know how to fix you, you will be dead and then I'm REALLY gonna be pissed at you! Or worse, Oh my GOD Drema, if you go blind, so help me I will LEAVE YOU! I will move far, far away bc I can BARELY take care of you NOW! You are MEAN ENOUGH because you can't move! Can you IMAGINE what a TYRANT you will be if you can't SEE??! "
Mom cackled through the phone. "I guess I am pretty mean, huh? But ya'all do whatever I say so its not THAT bad!"
"Oh YES! Yes it IS, that bad Drema! You think I LIKE shoving you around in that wheel chair?! You think I WANT to haul your broken ass up and down, in and out of the car? No. No I do not. I want to WALK beside you and go shopping and have FUN, dammit I MISS my MOMMY!! But I WILL NOT be here if you go blind because you waited for some incompetent doctors to fix you! And HOLY CRAP! If HOLLY GOES BLIND TOO, THAT IS IT! I WILL STRAIGHT UP DISOWN ALLLL OF YOU AND MOVE TO CALIFORNIA! OR CANADA! At least healthcare is FREE up there and Gillian wont be stuck taking care of me when I am old and stubborn and crazy like you!" I bellowed,  all the while laughing, into the phone. Drema was laughing so hard at me, she could barely breathe. She knows I ain't goin' anywhere.
It was then I realized that all the noise outside my office had quieted. I slowwwwlllyyyy peeked around the door and saw that Jennifer and Karrah, my Lincoln County Coworkers were wide-eyed and still, having heard everything I had just screecehd at my mother. The LOOK on their faces was priceless, as they were COMPELTELY unaware that was absolutely teasing Drema. Of coure I want her to take care of herself and I want her to get better but she is a big girl and can and will make her own desicions. Plus, that rotten ol broad is suuuper stubborn and the more you yell at her the deeper she digs into the ground. She is very much like a mule that way. And she knows it. Addressing Jennifer and Karrah I squeaked out a meek "I'm a good daughter?" to which my Mother Dearest said "Yes, you are baby. I love you. I will see you later." With that,  she bossed me around, gave me her grocery list and we hung up.

But seriously you guys. If that lady goes blind, *shudder* I can't even, won't even finish that statement.

Then again, if she can't SEE what we are doingggg... how will she know if we have done it 'right' or at all? We can jsut say "yep, sure did. It looks jjjuuuussttt like you wanted it" I mean, how on earth would she knowwwww....?  Hmmm.......

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Lunchtime Scramble

I visited Ye Olde Adkins B&B for lunch today. I think a few of you are familiar with the establishment. Big two story house, corner lot. Kind of a mess inside, but it’s the good, lived-in kinda mess. Impeccable décor, friendly staff. The authentic, homey feeling once inside is nostalgic and priceless. Plus, I have an affinity for the place since the proprietors let me live there for 20+ years for free and then let me come BACK and live with a KID again for free, no questions asked. So yeah, I like it there. The lunch special was a simple egg salad sandwich with tomato soup. Yuummmm! And much to my delight I was treated to a Lunch Theatre which included an exclusive screening of a vintage episode of “The Smurfs” on DVD. Upon my departure I was given a box of Belgian chocolate truffles. Now THAT is what I call service!!

Since I am granted 45 whole minutes for lunch, I had meticulously calculated my return time with a margin error of 10 minutes. In order to avoid traffic, I took the back roads. I didn’t panic too awful much when I got stuck behind a train. Once it lumbered past, I had a full ten minutes to drive 5 miles. I did, however get a leeeetle antsy when I found myself behind a pick up truck with a bed full of long, leafy tree limbs going approximately 4.3 mph. I became even more antsy and A LOT cussy when my windshield started taking a beating from the loose leaves and other woodsy debris. The cussing reeeally got going when I realized that I was being assaulted with foliage and timber because the driver had failed to secure the loot at all. That was probably also the reason he was driving so slowly. When he turned off into a driveway I did my happy dance and hit the gas!! While on the main road, KNOWING that I was pushing it with the 3 minutes I had to clock back in, I gulped deep, relaxing breaths in attempt to calm and center myself.

Suddenly there was a very unsettling noise that seemed to surround and envelope me. It was a deep, primal rumble that shook my car and the road beneath. With an eerie detachedness, I noticed that my hands, already dead pale, were gripping the steering wheel with a such fierceness that the knuckles were a disturbing pink-purple shade. Painted red nails stabbed into the tender flesh of my palm. I was shocked when I realized the noise was coming from ME!

“NO NONONONOONNONOOOO!!!! NOT AGAAAAAAAAIIIIINNN-UHHHHHH!!! WHYYYYYYY-EEEEEEE??!!!” I was trapped yet again behind a super slow driver. The car was an ancient Buick, a cruise liner of a vehicle. The kind that was assembled circa 1970 and took up no less than 3.5 car lengths. This thing no doubt ran on pure diesel and was emitting toxins into the air at an alarming rate. As other cars were zipping past us, I realized that I was not going get out of this car’s time warp! It was as if I was being hauled in with a tractor beam! UUUUuuup the hills, arrrroooouuuund the curves (I’m not exaggerating. This IS WV, ya know) we went, at a speed that would make turtles laugh as they zoomed past. All the while I was hyperventilating, swearing and near-sobbing for this DEVIL DRIVER TO “HURRY THE BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP UP, BLEEP BLEEP IT!!” This went on for another 2 years, 7 months and 18 days until FINALLY I could escape into the parking lot of my building. I glanced over at the driver to shoot him a dirty look. But then I melted. Behind the GIANT bicycle wheel of a steering wheel was the world’s oldest driver. The absolute cutest, sprightliest old dude you have ever seen. He was smartly dressed in a “Professor Indiana Jones” tweed suit coat (suede elbow pads!), with a hat and everything. A-frickkin-dorable. My road rage dissolved, I heaved a defeated sigh, zipped into a parking space and slumped my way into the office. Great. It took a whole 25 minutes to drive an incredibly short distance. Cranky and frustrated, I huffed my way thru the lobby, lamenting my rotten luck.

Then miracle of all miracles! The Starbucks Fairy had visited me while I was gone! She left a warm and soothing full-fat, perfectly sweetened Pumpkin Spice Latte on my desk. A heavenly beam of light shone upon it, complete with rainbows and sparkles. As I took my first glorious sip, I felt the tension form my catastrophic lunchtime drive just fade away. How? How did the Starbucks Fairy know that I needed her today? Because she’s awesome that way, that‘s how!! Thank you, Starbucks Fairy!!

So lesson learned. During my lunch break I’ll give myself 10 minutes to scarf down food, 20 minutes to drive back and allow 15 minutes for unforeseen occurrences such as acts of God, irresponsible or just really old drivers. Then again, would that surprise coffee treat have tasted as sweet had I not gotten ‘highlighted’ for signing in late from lunch? Probably not.

Well, I guess I’ll just chalk up this latest occurrence as just another adventure in the continuing saga of The Crazy Days of Summer!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Just some stuff...

I like to eat. Sometimes I'll just stand in my pantry and stuff chips or crackers or whatever in my face. I'm not an over-eater. I don't do it in secret. i dont really care if anyone sees me. And its not some panicky stuffing food in my face so fast I can barely breathe kinda deal. I'm mostly just too lazy to get a bowl and move somewhere else. I'm not trying to fill any void or hole in my heart. My parents LOVE me. So do my other family memebrs and plenty of friends. I just like to eat. And yeah, I'm kinda lazy.

I am ADDICTED to playing Smurf's Village on my iPhone. I still don't really LIKE my phone and I can't really operate it at a properly functioning capacity but at least I have my Smurfs. The first thing I do in the morining is check on the lil blue critters. The last thing I do at night is make sure every lil Smurf is perfectly smurfy, that everyone is busy and happy. Especially Papa. Because woe to me if Papa Smurf is NOT happy. Gillian statred it.

I still have NO IDEA what I wanna be when I grow up, whatever "growing up" is. Ya know, bc the whole movie star thing didn't work out. Bummer.

Crafting is a new found passion of mine. Buuuut, I am way better at crafty stuff in my head than I actually am.  I have loads and loads of ideas, but after a few attempts I realize how terribly, terribly BAD I am at something. So I cant even bring myself to finish it. I have tonsa storage bins that house the crafting projects I never finished.

Name a rather obscure-yet-mostly-current celeb and with no (or very little) cheating I will tell you AT LEAST three projects they were involved in on some level. Just the other morning a friend asked me who Amy Smart was (she and Carter Oosterhouse were on the cover of some mag for their wedding!). Absentmidedly I rattled off  3 of her most well-known movies. The half-asleep patron in line behind me snapped to attention and said I could win big on a game show with my quick thinking. Ahhh if only there were a "Who is this celebrity, who is she/ he dating/ did they date/ marry and can you name three movies or television shows they were in." Bonus points would be awarded for knowing what product they sposored or if you knew what commercial the star was in before he / she was famous. Now THAT game, I could win!!

Thing I have failed at:
A "real" marriage
Having a "normal" child
A few business ventures
Again with the movie star thing
Any sort of career
Not that failing any of these things was BAD.I wouldnt change my Gilly Beans for the world. I wouldnt be me if I HAD succeeded at those things. Or any...thing.. really...

I have very very vivid dreams. Always have. And I recall them with shocking clarity almost always.  The subjects of my dreams are recurring. Quite often exboyfriends (2 to be specific, yet rarely my exhubs) and celebrities. Always the same celebs too. Nathan Fillion. Michael. Chrisiatn Bale. Not that anything EXCITING ever happens. With the exes or the celebs. Usually we are just hanging out. Although sometimes Christian (NOT Batman, CHRISTIAN!) swoops in and rescues me from something treacherous.  Which is odd bc I think he is scary, I think he could hurt me and I am pretty sure I would LOVE it if it he DID hurt me! :) Because Christian would be really, really goooood at inflicting JUSSST the right KIND of hurt....what was I talkin about again...?

OH and speakin of,  I am asked  ALL the TIME if Brian gets jealous or if he is bothered by my celeb crushes-kinky or otherwise. That is a RESOUNDING NO!!!  He knows that I am ALLLLL for him. Brian knows that my crushes are ONLY limited to the Realm of Entertainment. He also knows that I am a COMPELTE chicken and even if I HAD The Chance with ANYone on MY LIST, I'd TOTALLY WUSS OUT!!!!  :) So again, I would be all his and he has NOTHING to worry about. But yes,I do reain in my squeals and squees when Brian is around. Unless of course, MJF is on. Then forget it. True love CANNOT be contained. I am a crazy-smiling, drooling squealy FOOL for my beloved MJF. And EVERYONE knows that.

Just a few thoughts to leave you with this evening! I encourage you ALL to post a few rambling thoughts! 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Date Night!

Last night was the first date night since WINTERtime for Brian and me. In the long,  long ago before times (sayyy my 20's ?! Where DID those go, anyway??) DAYS would have been spent agonizing over my ensemble for the evening. Those pants with that shirt?  Those shoes and THAT bag?!  Sexy red bra and panties or cute and sweet  turqoiuse numbers with the lil pink heart accents? I would have toyed with my hair and had dress rehearsals with full make up.  HOURS wasted while primping, preening and grooming (shaving legs, conditioning hair, lotsa various products applied here and there&...every..where....), even avoiding certain foods during the day so as not to have yucky, non-kiss-worthy breath. A plan for what I was going to order at dinner would have been in place and memorized (the LEAST expensive entree on the menu -so as not to seem greedy, of course, and absolutely NO fish, onions, or ranch-like salad dressings of any kind. Again with the kissableness). ONE glass of wine, MAAAYbe. Then there'd be that whole, "Wanna come in for a drink?" thing after whatever cool event we attended post-dinner. AND THEN there was the pressure to put out. EEvvveeenn juuussst a litttttle ;)

 Fast forward 10 (or so!) years. There was zero forethought regarding my daytime food intake. I took NO extra special care to make myself super-hygenic. I DID take a shower, but I needed one anyway from cleaning house all day. I don't think I even checked my pits.  15 minutes before 'showtime' I threw on a nice-yet-random shirt, jeans and comfy shoes. Also, comfy undies. I heaved my giant Mom Purse onto my shoulder, scooped up the kid and dropped her off@ Mammy and Papaw's.  At dinner, Brian and I totally piggged out. We ordered multiple drinks, appetizers, salads, 2 full meals, dessert AND we used a coupon. Instead of going to a movie/show/ some kinda hip musical event afterward, we drove to the mall and picked up Gilly's halloween costume. After that whirlwind event we decided to come home and crash. Me in my in pajamas, he in unbelted and unzipped pants, to watch the tv premieres we caught on our DVR this week. Got the phone call at 930 that Gilly wanted to come home instead of staying overnight. By 1030 we were alll in bed, snuggly and sleepy and happy.

I must admit that I quite like "married" dating rather than the single version. I may not be greeted with a handful of flowers (like that ever happened anyway!) but this is waaayyy more relaxed and Brian and I can just be ourselves and enjoy each other's company. But the best part of date night these days? There is NOOOOO pressure to put out.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I did it! I created my own blog and it didn't take me 47 days, drive me to (any higher level of) alcoholism or anything! I didn't pull my hair out or scream one time! Yay me!
So, since I stayed home today and did NOTHING at all (I blame the rain), nothing interesting happened. So enjoy the archived posts from another now-defunct blog of mine until I write something witty, clever and awesome. I am sure something exciting/embarrassing will happen to me soon enough. It always does. And I will be sure to write about it!!